Unwashed and Somewhat Slightly Dazed
The Yes Campaign
With Brian Cox, Stephen Noon, Kate Higgins, David Greig, Kirstin Innes, Sam Small, Cora Bissett.
This was possibly our most on-message session yet. The official Yes Campaign were out in force, with chief strategist Stephen Noon on the panel and Brian Cox stopping by the yurt, and a wealth of journalists and broadcast crews in the audience. The provocation from Kate Higgins and ensuing discussion was more about the nature of the work still to be done than the various forms the campaign itself has taken, but what we come back to a lot, as you’ll hear, is the idea of fear. The manipulation of fear, discussed in the panel; the rejection of fear in Cora Bissett’s gorgeous, full-throated songs from Glasgow Girls and Sam Small’s brief, rallying call to arms; and finally, the fear that keeps people going, mentioned in Brian Cox’s moving, quiet tribute to his late friend Robin Williams.
Kirstin Innes